September 6 @ 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Motorheads Track Attacks
If you have a great time riding your bike on the street, get ready to improve your skills on an open track with none of the hazards of street riding and all of the safety of a closed course. Bring your skills to the next level; Our Expert Instructors will help develop your riding skills, from slow speed tight patterns, to high speed braking, obstacle avoidance and everything in between.
Program dates are open to Licensed Riders of every skill level. Each day will group riders into four groups: Novice, Intermediate, Advance, and Expert (Race license required). Classroom & Riding Sessions for each Level.
Our mission is to deliver the safest, most exhilarating and affordable ways to test the limits of your motorcycle on a closed race course.
8:00am-4:00pm Track is live.
Have your online waiver signed, it is good for the 2025 season. Please arrive minimum 30 minutes before track is live for registration and riders meeting. Contact us if you don’t know what group you should register for, or if your normal group is sold out.
Novice: First time on track, or limited track experience. *First 2 sessions will be lead by an instructor*. Passing on the straights only.
Intermediate: You have been to the track before and you know your way around. Passing is limited to the outside.
OTP: Please register though OTP’s website https://www.ontrackperformance.ca/
Expert/Advanced: You like going fast. 6′ passing rule, keep it clean. Passing is courteous, this is a track day after all.
More Info: Motorheads Track Attacks (motorheadsta.com)
RAD Torque Raceway Waiver
Rider Registration: Motorcycle Events
Motorcycle Tech Requirements: Motorcycle Tech Requirements
Contact: Contact us